Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vocab #4

Olfactory (adj)

Funny in Farsi (97)

"Aunt Sedigah also had a beautiful garden full of nasturtiums, roses, snapdragons, and sweat peas, a veritable Disneyland for the olfactory smell."

Logic- involves smell

Definition- of or pertaining to the sense of smell

While he was walking down the street there seemed to be a buffet of olfactory smell.

Exempt (verb)

Funny in Farsi (105)

The Christian and Jewish children at my school were exempt from religious studies, a fact
that caused much envy among the rest of us.

Logic- Prior knowledge

Definition- to free from an obligation or liability to which others are subject; release

The students were exempt from P.E today due to the weather conditions.

Gendarmes (noun)

Funny in Farsi (133)

"The gendarmes started sifting through the clothes and the myriad of gifts I had brought for my host family."

Logic- Someone in power

Definition- a police officer in any of several European countries, esp. a French police officer.

The reason why the gendarmes made an arrest is because they were refusing to cooperate.

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