Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vocab #2

Funny in Farsi (43)
"This may not seem such a big deal in other families, but my parents, both of whom are painfully shy, looked upon their outgoing anomaly, just as Native Americans regard an albino buffalo-he was a miracle."
I use logic because they refer that the albino buffalo-he was a miracle, it meant something weird, peculiar to them

Definition: something different, peculiar, not easily classified.

The anomaly started when Joe fell on the ground and started to shake without control.


Funny in Farsi(35)

Between frenzied shopping trips to sears to buy presents for our relatives back home, my mother spent her last few weeks giving gifts to our American friends. I had wondered why my mother had bought so many Persian handicrafts with her; now i knew.

Frenzied is used as an abnormal and emotionless way which indicates that going to sears was a drag.

Frenzied shopping to sears to buy presents for our relatives back home.

Feeling or showing great abnormal excitement or emotional disturbance.

Getting up for school in the morning is always a frenzied start.

The Word: Disseminated

Part of Speech: Verb

Source Sentence: “Third, popular culture is increasingly disseminated by the mass media, either through television, film, radio, or even the internet; thus, it is buttressed by the interests of big entertainment and information industries that profit from the cultural forms they produce.(Page 41 Text- Connect)

Context Clues: My Logic, the words “increasingly” and “produce”.

Definition: To disperse throughout: scatter or spread

Original Sentence: The rumor eventually disseminated throughout the office.

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