Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Reflection #3

One thing that really shaped my life was getting involved in sports. When I was young I would always have problems with my work ethic, and I really enjoyed the competitive aspect of sports. I was really drawn to a particular sport, football. Everything about football I just loved, whether it be the hitting of another person to achieve victory for your team, the hard work, the dedication but most important the team unity. Being together as a team and fighting through hardships to achieve excellence was a great feeling to have, especially as a kid. As a kid you grow a bond with your teammates and gradually over time they become your friends. Football really gave me confidence to be more social and to communicate with others without being shy. Eventually, when I went to different schools I would always run into my old pop warner teammates and it would help me always be comfortable with having friends around throughout school. Football also made me more outgoing, we would all get together and go out as a big group and have fun on the weekends all throughout high school. We could always count on each other if one needed help. Football also thought me respect, dedication and good work ethic. Throughout high school it was hard to balance a respectable GPA and still maintain going to practice and focusing on my upcoming opponents. This really helped me develop good work ethic to work hard and balance both these commitments I had to do.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Vocabulary #5

Bucolic- Adj.

Funny in Farsi (30)

"Or we'd try to be more bucolic mentioning being south of the beautiful Captain Sea."

Logic: Usually the south means farmland.

Definition: Of shepherds pastral, of country life; rustic.

The kids had a hard time adapting to the cuty because of their bucolic lifestyle when they were younger.

Enviable- Adj.

Funny in Farsi (98)

"Even though their condominium has only a tiny garden, they have managed to cultivate an enviable cornucopia of figs, pomegranates, sweet lemons, and herbs.

Logic: The words "even though" and they way the word was used to describe something of good quality.

Definition: Worthy of envy; very desirable

The boy was very enviable of his cousin because of the christmas present he just recieved.

Innocuous- Adj

Funny in Farsi (57)

“The seemingly innocuous cut became infected.

Logic: The words "cut" and "infected" emphasize the strength of the word.

Definition: Harmless or not controversial.

He raced down the street while the dog was behind him, when the boy gased out and stopped the innocuous dog just jumped on and licked him.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Week 2

My reading habits are pretty consistent. I usually tend to read everyday weather it is on the internet looking up newspaper articles, media articles or just reading my monthly sports illustrated. I try and read as much as possible because I know that the more I read the more I will advance my literacy skills and furthermore advance as a reader and with all my literacy skills such as writing and critical thinking. I also tend to follow what I learned in class which is identifying what the title and heading mean before I read the article. This reading strategy helps me comprehend what the whole article or passage will be about. My strengths as a reader are my ability to read fluently and fast while being able to comprehend what I am reading. The comprehension part is the most important part though. I think that is an important quality to have as a reader because if you are not aware of what you read, there is no point of reading a story or article. The whole comprehension process is a vital step as becoming a good reader. Back at home, my father loves to read. He reads the newspaper every morning before leaving to work. Both of my parents and my older brother encouraged me to read ever since I was little. I was very fascinated by sports since I was young and that’s how my parents reached reading out to me, with sports articles and athlete autobiography. They would read them to me and eventually I would read them on my own.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Vocab #4

Olfactory (adj)

Funny in Farsi (97)

"Aunt Sedigah also had a beautiful garden full of nasturtiums, roses, snapdragons, and sweat peas, a veritable Disneyland for the olfactory smell."

Logic- involves smell

Definition- of or pertaining to the sense of smell

While he was walking down the street there seemed to be a buffet of olfactory smell.

Exempt (verb)

Funny in Farsi (105)

The Christian and Jewish children at my school were exempt from religious studies, a fact
that caused much envy among the rest of us.

Logic- Prior knowledge

Definition- to free from an obligation or liability to which others are subject; release

The students were exempt from P.E today due to the weather conditions.

Gendarmes (noun)

Funny in Farsi (133)

"The gendarmes started sifting through the clothes and the myriad of gifts I had brought for my host family."

Logic- Someone in power

Definition- a police officer in any of several European countries, esp. a French police officer.

The reason why the gendarmes made an arrest is because they were refusing to cooperate.

Vocab #3

Impelling (verb)

Connect (152)

"The impelling conviction of those who were to survive that they had a mission to perform, some important work left to do."

Logic- The words survive means it shows willingness.

Definition- to drive or urge forward; press on; incite or constrain to action.

The impelling speech inspired to team to win.

Manifestation (noun)

Connect (152)

"Vision is the best manifestation of creative imagination and the primary motivation of human activities."

Synonyms – Creative imagination

Definition- One of the forms in which someone or something, such as a person, a divine being, or an idea, is revealed.

Theory is the best manifestation of coming up with conclusion.

Vacillate (verb)

Connect (153)

"We vacillate and fluctuate."

Synonym- Fluctuate

Definition- to waver in mind or opinion; be indecisive or irresolute

His tendency to vacillate makes him a poor leader.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Week 1

Studying the vocabulary required for this class had some impact on me. I’ve actually noticed some of our vocabulary words in my English class frequently, without studying these words I would not be able to identify the meaning of them in my English class. I approach unfamiliar vocabulary differently now because I am eager to find out what that specific word means. I try to use our vocabulary words in conversation as much as possible, and it is rather easy once you get the chance to practice over and over. These vocabulary words have made things a lot easier including my tasks I have to complete for my English class. I try to incorporate these words in as many assignments I can. For my essay in English, which was about literacy I talked about this specific process and that involved the memorization of these words. As for remembering the words long-term or short-term they both even each other out. When it comes to test taking I am able to remember the words for a short time and usually do good on my test. As far as long term, if I study the words after I usually take my test I tend to remember them for a longer period of time. Enhancing my vocabulary is very important and I believe that this strategy is helping me out, mainly because I am getting accustomed to looking at these words more constantly then I would in any to hear situation. I am eager to learn more words.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Vocab #2

Funny in Farsi (43)
"This may not seem such a big deal in other families, but my parents, both of whom are painfully shy, looked upon their outgoing anomaly, just as Native Americans regard an albino buffalo-he was a miracle."
I use logic because they refer that the albino buffalo-he was a miracle, it meant something weird, peculiar to them

Definition: something different, peculiar, not easily classified.

The anomaly started when Joe fell on the ground and started to shake without control.


Funny in Farsi(35)

Between frenzied shopping trips to sears to buy presents for our relatives back home, my mother spent her last few weeks giving gifts to our American friends. I had wondered why my mother had bought so many Persian handicrafts with her; now i knew.

Frenzied is used as an abnormal and emotionless way which indicates that going to sears was a drag.

Frenzied shopping to sears to buy presents for our relatives back home.

Feeling or showing great abnormal excitement or emotional disturbance.

Getting up for school in the morning is always a frenzied start.

The Word: Disseminated

Part of Speech: Verb

Source Sentence: “Third, popular culture is increasingly disseminated by the mass media, either through television, film, radio, or even the internet; thus, it is buttressed by the interests of big entertainment and information industries that profit from the cultural forms they produce.(Page 41 Text- Connect)

Context Clues: My Logic, the words “increasingly” and “produce”.

Definition: To disperse throughout: scatter or spread

Original Sentence: The rumor eventually disseminated throughout the office.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Vocab words


Text- connect (40)
“Popular culture is distinct from elite culture, which is shared by only a select few but is highly valued.”
Synonym: Select few, highly valued
The reason why we selected this is because “which” a signal word.
Definition: The best of class

The king had elite warriors protecting him.